Technically still being on holiday, you might think that I wouldn’t really suffer from Sunday Night Syndrome; sadly I do – by proxy. What is Sunday Night Syndrome? It’s that prevailingly restlessness –caused by the knowledge that you have to get up early on Monday morning - which ruins what might otherwise be a perfectly good night’s sleep.
Last Sunday night several factors elevated the symptoms to a chronic level: my husband had to get up at 4.40am on Monday; somebody’s car alarm went off twice just after midnight – sadly not an irregular occurrence in the locality– am I really the only light sleeper in the village, or can no-one else be bothered to get up and peer out between the curtains to check if it is their car waking the dead? Husband, made chronically sleepless by said factors, got up at 2am to go into the spare room – so that he could put the light on and read; seemingly just as I’d recovered from previous interruptions, husband got up at 4.40am as planned and despite knowing how lightly his wife slumbers, he executed an elaborate tap dance on the laminate flooring, ensuring that by the time he slammed the back door, I was probably more awake than he was. Not really a problem except that he was the one driving to the airport.The house silent once more, I tried desperately to get back to sleep. I probably just about managed to do so about two minutes before my own alarm went off at 6.30am.
How grumpy does lack of sleep make me? Very. Especially when I’ve suffered mostly by proxy – I wasn’t worried about getting up early – 6.30 is a lie on for me! As a result I spent most of Monday suffering hangover like symptoms; I wouldn’t have complained if I’d actually had a drink! Roll on next Sunday…..does anybody know of a cure?
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