Sometimes life goes to plan and sometimes, unbelievably, it just doesn’t.... last weekend was one of my favourite occasions on the eventing calendar – Withington Manor – with both horses doing day before dressage, I was all set for a three day equine fest.
Things began well on the Friday afternoon; Roger did a good test and some much needed rain fell onto already well prepared ground. Perfect. I walked the novice track which looked challenging but fair; the water looked like the hardest test with a jump straight into water (my greatest fear – proven unfounded - was that he might over jump and submerge us both!)
Saturday also began well – Roger stayed calm for his show jumping – so although we had two down I was pleased with him. He gave me a fantastic, safe ride cross country...phew... Bow did a good test despite putting in an impromptu flying change. So far so good....or so I thought....
Having put the boys out for a few hours r & r before tea, at approximately 18.30 hrs on that fateful sunny evening, I happily climbed back into my lovely husband’s cherished open top sports car to ‘whiz’ back and put them to bed. We have a close neighbour with a large white van, so it was with great care that I reversed around him (not so easy with v. limited rear vision) Sighing with relief at having navigated that obstacle I accelerated a little.... BANG...CRUNCH .... OMG... SHIT... where had the 4x4 come from (parked in the middle of the road!)?
I tentatively climbed out to survey the damage...greeted by a very angry, leather-trousered lady who shouted at me instantly as I interjected profuse apologies... she clearly thought I’d done it on purpose despite the fact that my car had fared far worse! My silent prayer that my husband would hear the commotion and come out so that a. he could protect me from abuse and b. I wouldn’t actually have to tell him what I’d done...went unanswered...glancing up at the window it was clear that I was on my own.
Worse was to come as I realised that my bumper was actually hooked onto her tow bar....and was grimly informed by scary lady ‘you’ll have to pull yours off...I’m not moving mine!...’ How humiliating is it to have to rev husband’s sports car in order to disentangle it with crash victim? VERY! Thankfully I have the most understanding husband in the world but that didn’t really lessen the feelings of worthlessness.... guilt...stupidity....
So it was with slight trepidation that I headed back to Withington on Sunday morning; I needed to make up for my blunder and give Bow a good prep for our first CIC 3* at Chatsworth. I fended off my nerves by focussing on the process...soft, light, collected forwards.... and not the outcome. He warmed up well; jumping cleanly and confidently.
We cantered into the ring with assurance. The bell rang.... we cleared the first five fences easily, turned to the sixth, a big upright.... a little tight around the corner maybe but on a good stride...or so I thought...Bow clearly thought otherwise as he went to chip another one in, realised there wasn’t room...veered sideways into the wing... demolished the fence with a familiarly loud CRASH...and deposited me feet first, confusedly, next to him.
Oh shit...I’m on the floor, what now? Bow had scraped his chest but seemed ok. Had to think for a moment; was I allowed to get back on? ...Decided yes... but needed a leg up... much to my relief a very generous spectator came to my rescue....had to wait whilst they re-built the offending fence....Bell... ready...deep breath... gave Bow a reassuring slap on the shoulder... approached it confidently and cleared it easily... we completed the course without further error.... in fact without that blip it was a clear round!
What happened? I don’t know...and having watched the video several times over I’m none the wiser...maybe he misread it...lost his focus.... one thing I do know is that I’m not going to dwell on it. Having checked him over thoroughly and pulled myself together, I at least made sure that I gave him a good ride cross country...
Here’s hoping that it was just one of those inexplicable equine anomalies..... and that I don’t repeat my crashing crusade...